Status Quo is not an option – Alton City Council

Over the past 8 years, Alton has taken a clear turn for the worse on most critical measures affecting our daily lives: property values, quality of life, crime, job opportunities, and our future. Walker has worked city council so a majority rubber stamp Walker’s every move. They bear responsibility for the acceleration of Alton’s downturn since Walker took office in 2013, and here are the facts:
–>Alton’s violent crime rate is up 150%, now equal to East St. Louis’ and worse than Chicago’s;
–>Alton’s unemployment rate has badly trailed our neighbors and getting worse;
–>Alton’s household income has fallen significantly behind our neighbors. We’re now 10% poorer than Mississippi, the poorest state;
–>Alton’s poverty rate jumped significantly, as the region around us enjoyed impressive poverty rate declines. One in four Altonians now live in poverty;
–>Alton’s home values fell $4,700 while values rise all around us;
–>Alton’s population decline has accelerated;
–>Alton has struggled with millions in crippling budget deficits.

Walker and his longtime cronies on the city council have had 8 years, and things have gotten so much worse. The status quo is not an option.

For Alton to improve, we need a city council willing to think independently, take initiative to research economic revival strategies, and work for the people. Fortunately for Alton, there are several promising council candidates. I’ll focus on a few I know best:

In 2nd ward, candidate Steve Potter is a dedicated Alton booster with great ideas for our neighborhoods and business districts. He wants to work with city hall and the citizens to make Alton better for everyone. The incumbent has again ran a petty, vindictive and dishonest campaign. She acts as if she works for the mayor.

In 3rd ward, it is sad to see Mike Velloff retire. Candidate Raymond Strebel presents a great perspective as a local small business owner. He sees value in Alton’s history and is dedicated to restoring old homes. He is not a good ol’ boy satisfied with the status quo.

In 7th ward, Nate Keener looks out for his neighbors and has researched important community issues. He is raising a young family in Alton and offers fresh, innovative solutions.

For city clerk, Cheryl Ingle has worked in virtually every department at city hall, using her experience to develop a strong record of public service. Please reject Dan Herkert, who you’ll remember was forced to resign in shame from city hall a few years ago, shortly after a position was created for him by mayor Walker as reward for running his very misleading and negative campaigns.

With all the potential Alton has, a positive future would be assured with a city council and mayor’s office dedicated to learning about fresh ideas for economic revival, and committed to selfless public service.

Scott Dixon
Alton, Illinois

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